The manifestation of the Kingdom Theological Seminary is the result of a vow Dr. Carson made over 32 years ago. Dr. Carson was a hungry young preacher seeking to understand the scriptures, and in his quest to learn the Bible, he sought out, as many did at that time, white churches seeking to learn. It was the thought at that time that the white church was a teaching entity and the black church was more of an emotional environment.
From there, Dr. Carson went to a few mainline churches seeking mentorship in the Word of God, and after he requested to be mentored by a particular pastor, he was sent away with a literal pat on the head and the words, “I hope you find one!” Dr. Carson eventually sought seminary training by the leading of the Lord, who instructed him to go to Oral Roberts University (ORU).

Dr. Carson obeyed God and attended ORU. However, the course work was exceptionally challenging to him and he had to go to God in prayer about his studies. One night as he prepared for his Greek course, he prayed and made a vow to God. He promised God saying, “Lord, if you give me a theological education, I promise I will take what You give me and teach and train other pastors.” In 1988, Dr. Carson made the vow to bring the seminary to the local church, where young and old preachers would engage in the rigors of academic studies of the Word of God.
That vow to God was the beginning of the journey to the birth of the Kingdom Theological Seminary!
“Lord, if you give me a theological education, I promise I will take what You give me and teach and train other pastors.” – Dr. Dana Carson
“Lord, if you give me a theological education, I promise I will take what You give me and teach and train other pastors.” – Dr. Dana Carson
A few years after Dr. Carson made this vow to God, God gave him a vision to bring the seminary to the grounds of the local church.
Why is it important to bring the seminary to the local church?
Because many minority pastors and church leaders have not been afforded the opportunity to attend seminary, which has hindered them from fulfilling the biblical mandate to go therefore and make disciples – teaching them to obey all that Christ has taught (Matthew 28:19-20).
A few years after Dr. Carson made this vow to God, God gave him a vision to bring the seminary to the grounds of the local church.
Why is it important to bring the seminary to the local church?
Because many minority pastors and church leaders have not been afforded the opportunity to attend seminary, which has hindered them from fulfilling the biblical mandate to go therefore and make disciples – teaching them to obey all that Christ has taught (Matthew 28:19-20).

- 2005 – The Carson Kingdom Institute of Ministerial & Theological Studies (CKI) was launched as an on campus and correspondence school. Many students and church leaders were trained through CKI, and it was used as ordination/consecration curriculum for several churches.
- 2011 – In 2011, CKI was morphed into the Kingdom Leaders Institute (KLI). This school was the beginning of the shift to train pastors and other church leaders not just in theology, but also in the discipline of leadership.
- 2013 – The school name was then changed to the Kingdom School of Ministry. Due to the evolving landscape of the church, the school added the focus of equipping leaders for 21st century Kingdom leadership. Many of the 20th century church growth programs were becoming outdated and church leaders needed to be trained on how to lead and conduct 21st century ministry.
- 2017 – The Kingdom Bible University (KBU) was launched in 2017 offering an Associates degree in Kingdom Theology, various Certificate programs, a Bachelor of Kingdom Theology degree. KBU takes seminary-level courses and streamlines them to make them relevant to church ministries.
- 2021 – The Kingdom Theological Seminary (KTS) is the graduate school of KBU and offers a dual degree program, five master’s programs and two doctorate programs. This school is the prophetic fulfillment of a vision that God gave Dr. Carson in the early 90s that involved bringing the seminary to the campus of the local church!

- 2005 – The Carson Kingdom Institute of Ministerial & Theological Studies (CKI) was launched as an on campus and correspondence school. Many students and church leaders were trained through CKI, and it was used as ordination/consecration curriculum for several churches.
- 2011 – In 2011, CKI was morphed into the Kingdom Leaders Institute (KLI). This school was the beginning of the shift to train pastors and other church leaders not just in theology, but also in the discipline of leadership.
- 2013 – The school name was then changed to the Kingdom School of Ministry. Due to the evolving landscape of the church, the school added the focus of equipping leaders for 21st century Kingdom leadership. Many of the 20th century church growth programs were becoming outdated and church leaders needed to be trained on how to lead and conduct 21st century ministry.
- 2017 – The Kingdom Bible University (KBU) was launched in 2017 offering an Associates degree in Kingdom Theology, various Certificate programs, a Bachelor of Kingdom Theology degree. KBU takes seminary-level courses and streamlines them to make them relevant to church ministries.
- 2021 – The Kingdom Theological Seminary (KTS) is the graduate school of KBU and offers five master’s programs and two doctorate programs. This school is the prophetic fulfillment of a vision that God gave Dr. Carson in the early 90s that involved bringing the seminary to the campus of the local church!
Dr. Dana Carson is giving birth to the ‘first of its kind’ Kingdom Theological Seminary. This is a relevant and prophetic seminary that is opening on the heels of racial division and disparity in Southern Baptist seminaries over the critical race theory.
The KTS campus was purchased in 2020 in the midst of the global Covid-19 pandemic, which was a miracle from God in and of itself. But the irony of the purchase of the KTS campus is that for a decade, the Southwestern Theological Seminary refused to sell the former Park Place Baptist Church and the Southwestern Theological Seminary campus to Dr. Carson, because he is an African American, Kingdom-minded, and Spirit-filled leader who leads a predominately African American, Kingdom-minded, and Spirit-filled church.
But despite their challenges, Dr. Carson and The R.O.C.K. church were able to secure their purchase of the seminary and the former Park Place Baptist Church in May 2020, while continuing to provide ministry to the Houston area.

Dr. Dana Carson is giving birth to the ‘first of its kind’ Kingdom Theological Seminary. This is a relevant and prophetic seminary that it is opening on the heels of racial division and disparity in Southern Baptist seminaries over the critical race theory.
The KTS campus was purchased in 2020 in the midst of the global Covid-19 pandemic, which was a miracle from God in and of itself. But the irony of the purchase of the KTS campus is that for a decade, the Southwestern Theological Seminary refused to sell the former Park Place Baptist Church and the Southwestern Theological Seminary campus to Dr. Carson, because he is an African American, Kingdom-minded, and Spirit-filled leader who leads a predominately African American, Kingdom-minded, and Spirit-filled church.
But despite their challenges, Dr. Carson and The R.O.C.K. church were able to secure their purchase of the seminary and the former Park Place Baptist Church in May 2020, while continuing to provide ministry to the Houston area.