On campus classes are available for students who desire the one-on-one interaction with their professor and other students in an academic learning environment. The classes will meet in person once a week.

  • Classes are offered on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays at the Kingdom Theological Seminary located at 4101 Broadway Street, Houston, TX 77087.
  • On campus classes are 8-week classes, and weekly lectures are held for three hours.
  • Browse the classes below to see which on campus classes are available for the upcoming semester.

This course is an introduction to Christian apologetics and its relationship to evangelism. This course will teach the biblical, theological, and historical foundations of Christian apologetics. Additionally, this course will serve as a primer for cultural exegesis and cultural hermeneutics. The goal is to equip students with the critical analytical tools to engage contemporary cultural issues as related to matters of faith. Topics include comparative worldview, science and faith, secularism, aesthetics, and ethics. Through required and recommended readings, online discussions, and lectures, the student will gain a clearer understanding of how to navigate and respond pastorally to some of today’s most challenging issues while at the same time formulating a cohesive Christian response to them.

Professor: Evangelist Samuel Johnson
When: Week of Aug. 5th 

The course will cover the history of Christianity from its inception to the Protestant Reformation of the sixteenth century. We will survey the major movements, doctrines, persons, and institutions that arose within the church and affected its development during this time. Our emphasis will be the development of a doctrinal understanding in the church, as well as careful study of select key individuals whose lives should inspire us to biblical faithfulness today.

Professor: Dr. Charles Moody
When: Week of Sept. 3rd

This course is an introduction to theories and practices of preaching in pastoral and liturgical settings. In lecture sessions, students will study the various dynamics of preaching (theological, hermeneutical, pastoral, exegetical, ethical, liturgical) and their relation to the regular practice of preaching. In conference/video call sessions and through online forums, students will discuss assignments, participate in workshops, preach, and offer feedback on colleagues’ sermons.

Professor: Evangelist Samuel Johnson
When: Tuesdays – 6-9PM


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